Cum Laude & Merit Awards

SMU uses the cumulative grade point average (GPA) criteria to identify degree candidates with academic excellence. The following awards are given for bachelors’ degrees:

3.60 - 3.79MAGNA CUM LAUDE
3.40 - 3.59CUM LAUDE
3.20 - 3.39HIGH MERIT
3.00 - 3.19MERIT

Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude and Cum Laude are Latin awards adopted from the US system, and can be translated as with Highest Distinction, with High Distinction, and with Distinction respectively.

All cum laude awards are highly selective. They do not equate to the various classes of degree honours conferred by universities that follow the British system of academic honours. SMU bachelors’ degrees are four-year full-time programmes.