Gown Instructions


Black is the most common colour for academic gowns. The gown for the bachelors’ degrees has pointed sleeves, while the gown for masters' degrees has oblong sleeves. The doctoral gown is faced down the front with black or coloured velvet and with three bars of the same colour across the sleeves, and typically has bell-shaped sleeves. All SMU gowns are designed to be worn closed.


Put on the gown and fasten using the zipper

Gown - Step 1
Gown - Step 2
Gown - Step 3


The colours of the hood signify the field of study. Place the hood over your head, with the “V” end of the hood facing front.

Hood - Step 1
Hood - Step 2

Clip the hook of the hood onto the puller of the zipper. Get someone to help you to take the string on the back of the hood and loop it around the button on the opposite end.

Hood - Step 3
Hood - Step 4
Hood - Step 5


Look for 'front' on the inside of the mortarboard. The mortarboard should fit snugly on your head, and the tassel should be on your right.

Mortarboard - Step 1
Mortarboard - Step 2
Mortarboard - Step 3